Monday, July 30, 2007

Monsoon Madness

We are definitely in the middle of an active monsoon season! We've been getting rain almost everyday-and Saturday parts of Tucson got 3 inches of rain!!! Our pool even started overflowing on one side (it's not exactly on level ground...) There have been some pretty incredible sights-rainbows, raging washes, beautiful sunsets, and lots of wildlife. Last night we took a walk over at David and Anita's house. On our walk we saw a tarantula (a big one!)...and since I had the camera they told me to take a picture of it "Get closer, get closer" they all shouted!-I took two pictures and got creeped out. So, Sean took the camera and decided to get closer...At first the tarantula jumped, and then Sean took one more picture and it started running after him-We all (David with the two dogs, Anita and I each with a stroller and little guy, and Sean) high-tailed it outta there! Then we saw a coyote, but it was a less climatic encounter. Oh, and then when we woke up this morning-our night blooming cactus had bloomed-YEAH!

SO, other news this week...Lily got her annual shave. She's looking a lot smaller, except for her belly, which now is very prominant. Elliot and I went to visit his new school. He enjoyed it-especially all the steering wheels on the playground. We got to storytime, and we got to meet Erin and Dylan at Cracker Barrel for lunch! Dylan is getting so big and is crawling now!! Yeah!

Elliot is imitating just about everything we do now...he wants to wash his hands when we do, talk on the phone when we do, and Sean usually squats down when he hands Elliot a banana in the morning, so now Elliot says, "Adada" (translation: banana) and squats down to wait for Sean to give him a piece ....Too funny!

Check out the pics-and keep in touch!

loveya all-

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