Sunday, August 5, 2007

Peachy Keen

The rains continue to grace us with their presense. However, the rain is not all good...There has been a lot of damage due to the rains, and this week a few people have even lost their lives in raging washes here in Tucson. It is very scary how powerful and intense the monsoons can be. The other thing the rains bring is ANTS...Elliot and I both were bit by fire ants this week. Thankfully Elliot's bites didn't result in a severe reaction like mine...but they are definitely painful!

We decided to head out of town toward Wilcox, AZ to pick peaches! There is a pretty big farm/orchard(s) called Apple Annie's. Anita and I thought we should leave early (to avoid the storms)...and wouldn't you know just as we arrived it started pouring! Luckily, it only lasted a few minutes and then it cleared enough for us to pick about 15 pounds of peaches!! It was a lot of fun tasting the different varieties right off the trees. Elliot didn't like the peaches so much, but enjoyed pushing the cart and picking them off the ground saying, "ball, ball". Rory, on then other hand was chowing down and loved the peaches! We did get to enjoy some homemade peach icecream too.

Elliot continues to show off his independence and likes exploring and trying out new things, like Petty's crate, putting our shoes on, and today he was really into taking care of his "bubu"(baby). In fact, he held his baby through lunch and even fed him some zucchini. Today I took him to the grocery store and he ate 3 bananas while we were shopping!!! And when "Dada" is home, I am pretty much invisible...I guess it's a guy thing.

So, tomorrow is our last day of "freedom" then back to school for me...and Elliot will also be starting his school. We visited this week again, and I left the room for a while-Elliot was expectedly upset at first, but then engaged in play and seemed to be happy. Hopefully this week we will fall into a groove and routine.

Have a fun week. More to come....

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