Monday, August 20, 2007

Back to School

The two school-aged Semonsky's are now starting their third week of school already! Elliot has had an expected adjustment period...He and I both shed some tears the first three days of school, but by the fourth day I dropped Elliot off in his classroom, he stopped crying by the time I got to the front door of the school-SO, it made leaving a little easier. Over the weekend of the first week of school Elliot slept 11 hours Sat night (unusual!) and then a 4 hour nap on Sunday!!! I guess school tuckered him out! Then the second week was complicated by Elliot's eye surgery. The procedure went well-they inserted a tube into his tear duct, and it is sutured to the inside of his nose. The first day was difficult for all of us-and Elliot only wanted "Dada" to comfort him (in addition to his twinkle baby, puppy, and "stinky thing"-the pacifier) but by Tuesday he was back to himself. And the best part...No goop in the eye anymore...let's hope it stays that way!! Going back to school on Wednesday was hard since he had been off for four days. Finally this week it seems like we are getting back on schedule with sleeping, getting out of the house, and separating from each other for the day. I am definitely very anxious to leave school on time so we have more time to play before bedtime. Sean is keeping busy too and helping out with the new routine.

Elliot seems to enjoy playing with the steering wheels on the playground at school, he loves the music and dancing, but his most favorite thing about school I think are the snacks!!! They tell me he only eats his fruit out of his lunch everyday...but he eats ALL of his morning and afternoon snacks-requesting seconds and thirds sometimes!....That's our boy! He is so much fun, and he does new "things" all the time. He will now do motions to familiar songs, Wheels on the Bus, Itsy Bitsy Spider, No More Monkeys Jumping on the Bed....And he's using words to make requests and his needs and wants known!

I'm posting some new pics-check'em out.

lots of love-

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.