Sunday, July 22, 2007

Back at Home

We had a fun and busy first week back in Tucson-

Elliot had his 15 month check-up and he's now weighing in at 27 pounds, 8 ounces and 33 inches tall! He got two vaccinations and didn't even cry! What a brave boy! We're also looking at another eye procedure probably the middle of August.

But back to the fun stuff....We took lunch to Sean at the airport and Elliot got to sit in, and pilot, a KingAir. He is very into transportation stuff right now-steering wheels, the wheels on the stroller, his tractor and rocket-anything that moves! We took him to one of the big city parks on Saturday, and they had a little electric train that you could ride in...It went around a small part of the park. It was fun-and it was another hit with Elliot, "Whoo Whoo!"

We also got to hang out with Anita and Rory! Rory is getting so big, sitting up and just starting to crawl! They boys are really becoming more interactive-It is so fun to watch!

SO, two weeks left for me and Elliot to tear up the town...then back to school for us! (boo hoo)
talk to you all soon...
beth ;-)

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