Thursday, July 19, 2007

East Coast Mission Accomplished!


We've been back in Tucson for about 5 days now...Being back here makes us long for the cooler days and nights of the east coast, the lush green trees and grass, and of course the company of family and friends....BUT it is good to be in our own home and together with Sean again.

We had a wonderful, fun visit with everyone! Elliot had lots of new adventures-walking in grass, playing with cousins, riding on Pappy's tractor, playing at the beach and in the ocean, riding the rides at Funland, chasing rabbits in Marmee and PopPop's yard ("hop hop"), and he even picked up some new words, "OH JEEZ!" You can check out the ton of photos I took in the East Coast album-just click the Semonsky pictures link....

Thank you for all of your hospitality and for rearranging schedules to visit with us! We hope see you out here in Tucson in the near future!

Love ya all....

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