Monday, July 30, 2007

Monsoon Madness

We are definitely in the middle of an active monsoon season! We've been getting rain almost everyday-and Saturday parts of Tucson got 3 inches of rain!!! Our pool even started overflowing on one side (it's not exactly on level ground...) There have been some pretty incredible sights-rainbows, raging washes, beautiful sunsets, and lots of wildlife. Last night we took a walk over at David and Anita's house. On our walk we saw a tarantula (a big one!)...and since I had the camera they told me to take a picture of it "Get closer, get closer" they all shouted!-I took two pictures and got creeped out. So, Sean took the camera and decided to get closer...At first the tarantula jumped, and then Sean took one more picture and it started running after him-We all (David with the two dogs, Anita and I each with a stroller and little guy, and Sean) high-tailed it outta there! Then we saw a coyote, but it was a less climatic encounter. Oh, and then when we woke up this morning-our night blooming cactus had bloomed-YEAH!

SO, other news this week...Lily got her annual shave. She's looking a lot smaller, except for her belly, which now is very prominant. Elliot and I went to visit his new school. He enjoyed it-especially all the steering wheels on the playground. We got to storytime, and we got to meet Erin and Dylan at Cracker Barrel for lunch! Dylan is getting so big and is crawling now!! Yeah!

Elliot is imitating just about everything we do now...he wants to wash his hands when we do, talk on the phone when we do, and Sean usually squats down when he hands Elliot a banana in the morning, so now Elliot says, "Adada" (translation: banana) and squats down to wait for Sean to give him a piece ....Too funny!

Check out the pics-and keep in touch!

loveya all-

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Back at Home

We had a fun and busy first week back in Tucson-

Elliot had his 15 month check-up and he's now weighing in at 27 pounds, 8 ounces and 33 inches tall! He got two vaccinations and didn't even cry! What a brave boy! We're also looking at another eye procedure probably the middle of August.

But back to the fun stuff....We took lunch to Sean at the airport and Elliot got to sit in, and pilot, a KingAir. He is very into transportation stuff right now-steering wheels, the wheels on the stroller, his tractor and rocket-anything that moves! We took him to one of the big city parks on Saturday, and they had a little electric train that you could ride in...It went around a small part of the park. It was fun-and it was another hit with Elliot, "Whoo Whoo!"

We also got to hang out with Anita and Rory! Rory is getting so big, sitting up and just starting to crawl! They boys are really becoming more interactive-It is so fun to watch!

SO, two weeks left for me and Elliot to tear up the town...then back to school for us! (boo hoo)
talk to you all soon...
beth ;-)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

East Coast Mission Accomplished!


We've been back in Tucson for about 5 days now...Being back here makes us long for the cooler days and nights of the east coast, the lush green trees and grass, and of course the company of family and friends....BUT it is good to be in our own home and together with Sean again.

We had a wonderful, fun visit with everyone! Elliot had lots of new adventures-walking in grass, playing with cousins, riding on Pappy's tractor, playing at the beach and in the ocean, riding the rides at Funland, chasing rabbits in Marmee and PopPop's yard ("hop hop"), and he even picked up some new words, "OH JEEZ!" You can check out the ton of photos I took in the East Coast album-just click the Semonsky pictures link....

Thank you for all of your hospitality and for rearranging schedules to visit with us! We hope see you out here in Tucson in the near future!

Love ya all....