Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fall Happenings

Yes, I know it's been a long time since I posted new pics-but they are finally up!!! There are 4 new albums so check them out! Hmm let's see we went to the Botanical Gardens in Aug. b/c they had a dinosaur exhibit-my last outing with Elliot before school started. We went peach picking again with the McGuires-and again it was super hot-but peaches were good. Sept. we went to Flagstaff for the Bluegrass Festival, which Elliot LOVED. And I celebrated my 35th bday (gulp!) October is always full of pumpkin fun and dress up time...this year a singin' guitar playin' cowboy made his debut! Sean celebrated his 40th bday (gulp, gulp!) and I surprised him with a trip to Vegas! We saw the Beatles Love Cirque du Soleil show, rented a Harley and rode out to Hoover Dam/Lake Mead, and had dinner at the Eiffel Tower restaurant-We had a blast! Marmee and PopPop came out for a visit and stayed with Elliot-This month we went to a fall festival at a preschool with Rory, and a car/vehicle show and we hung out at the wash on Veteran's Day-Hard to believe the holidays are right around the corner!!!

Best Wishes, much love, and please keep in touch

we 3

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