Saturday, October 20, 2007

It's Pumpkin Time!

Wow, It's been a busy month so far...and now we're getting ready for Sean's birthday and Halloween! We've had an "event" every Saturday. We went to Vincent's 2nd birthday party, went to a pumpkin carving party last weekend, and to Buckelew Farms (the pumpkin patch) this weekend with the McGuire's. We have also been going to the park, we had a playdate/group with Rory and Clara, and we are always entertained by Elliot's new tricks. We've been having lots of fun. Elliot did have a little set-back about two weeks ago: another ear infection! But he's much better now. He is trying to say so many new words these days and last night he started figuring out how to make the /k/ sound at the end of words!!! I know, the speech therapist in me gets a little carried away-but I think Sean was actually more excited than I was!!

Check out all the new pics-there are a lot!

Happy Harvest, Happy Fall!

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