Saturday, October 20, 2007

It's Pumpkin Time!

Wow, It's been a busy month so far...and now we're getting ready for Sean's birthday and Halloween! We've had an "event" every Saturday. We went to Vincent's 2nd birthday party, went to a pumpkin carving party last weekend, and to Buckelew Farms (the pumpkin patch) this weekend with the McGuire's. We have also been going to the park, we had a playdate/group with Rory and Clara, and we are always entertained by Elliot's new tricks. We've been having lots of fun. Elliot did have a little set-back about two weeks ago: another ear infection! But he's much better now. He is trying to say so many new words these days and last night he started figuring out how to make the /k/ sound at the end of words!!! I know, the speech therapist in me gets a little carried away-but I think Sean was actually more excited than I was!!

Check out all the new pics-there are a lot!

Happy Harvest, Happy Fall!

Monday, October 1, 2007

Well, here's the latest installment of the Semonsky family updates....

It's festival time here in Tucson. Two weekends ago we went to the Greek festival-mmmm lots of yummy gyros, souvlaki, spanokopita, baklava and many other yummy pastries! Not to mention live music...Elliot's favorite part of the festival! Then this past weekend we went to the Oktoberfest. The German food was definitely disappointing (we knew it would be from remembering last year's food) but again there was live music-and Elliot was busting his moves out on the dance floor. He even has a signature move called "the donkey". Unfortunately we forgot our camera! And of course both festivals were extra fun because we were there with our buddies-Anita, David and Rory!

Elliot seems to be going through another growth spurt. Lots of new vocabulary, comprehension and "tricks". I took him to the park yesterday and he climbed UP the slide by himself (with me spotting him of course) and he went down the twisty slide by himself too! I believe he has the Semonsky Dare Devil in him -just like his Daddy, Uncle Lee and Uncle Steve! (Did I mention he is on his 3rd Ouch Report from school?!) He also likes to feed Petty now, put on his Crocs by himself, and he knows exactly which button(s) to push to turn on/off the TV, stereo, answering machine, and CD/clock radios. He is SO observant. Elliot also has learned to say "PopPop", "Nana", "Marmee" and "Pappy"-which made Nana very happy on the phone! I know it seems like I say it every week, but he is just SO fun right now!

Check out the new Pics
Until next time....Peace and love to all-

Hey-is anyone going to come visit us soon??!