Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Hope this finds you all doing well after celebrating the 2009 holidays and looking forward to 2010!  I've posted new photos from the last month or so...we've been busy-We start the holiday season off with baking the annual fruitcake for PopPop.  We had breakfast at the Air and Space Museum and Santa joined us, after he flew in on a helicopter!  Simon had his first visit to Daddy's hanger, and we took our annual trip to Zoo Lights with Anita, David and Rory.  And we've also been busy with the typical holiday preparations of decorating the tree and the house, shopping, and baking.  We also spent Christmas Day with the McGuire's, which was also a lot of fun!  Enjoy the pictures and keep in touch!  
We are looking forward to our February visitors -Snavely's and Jerm and Mali and Nana and Pappy's visit in April!

love the Semonsky 4.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

We Welcome Simon Charles Semonsky!

Can't believe it's almost been a year since I last posted...oops!  We definitely have reason to celebrate and update the blog as we welcome Simon to our family.  Elliot is enjoying his baby him lots of kisses and loves to push him in the stroller.  We are adjusting to being four pretty well so far...although we haven't ventured out much in the past two and a half weeks, so we'll see how that goes ;-)  We were very fortunate to have Marmee and PopPop help us out for the past 3 weeks-after they drove across the country to be with us!  Nana and Pappy were also here for a short visit to spend time with the boys...and us and were also very helpful.  We look forward to more family meeting Simon in the near future!  

We miss you all -
please keep in touch and check out the newest pictures...!
Hope to be better about updating so keep checking back.

Beth, Sean, Elliot and Simon

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Holiday Festivities

Happy New Year!
We've had a great holiday season and winter break...sad to see it end, but we have lots of fun (elliot and I even got to play in the snow!!) memories and pictures to share! Elliot really seemed to 'grow up' over the break-He wrapped up a box full of his "stinkies" (pacifiers) and we brought them to the baby monkeys at the zoo-and he has really not looked back! I think it's also pretty safe to say he is finally totally potty trained-for all necessary duties! We are VERY excited about that!! He really is such a big boy now!
We look forward to the visits from family that are already scheduled and welcome any new ones....
love ya all

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Fall Happenings

Yes, I know it's been a long time since I posted new pics-but they are finally up!!! There are 4 new albums so check them out! Hmm let's see we went to the Botanical Gardens in Aug. b/c they had a dinosaur exhibit-my last outing with Elliot before school started. We went peach picking again with the McGuires-and again it was super hot-but peaches were good. Sept. we went to Flagstaff for the Bluegrass Festival, which Elliot LOVED. And I celebrated my 35th bday (gulp!) October is always full of pumpkin fun and dress up time...this year a singin' guitar playin' cowboy made his debut! Sean celebrated his 40th bday (gulp, gulp!) and I surprised him with a trip to Vegas! We saw the Beatles Love Cirque du Soleil show, rented a Harley and rode out to Hoover Dam/Lake Mead, and had dinner at the Eiffel Tower restaurant-We had a blast! Marmee and PopPop came out for a visit and stayed with Elliot-This month we went to a fall festival at a preschool with Rory, and a car/vehicle show and we hung out at the wash on Veteran's Day-Hard to believe the holidays are right around the corner!!!

Best Wishes, much love, and please keep in touch

we 3

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

East Coast Misson 08 Accomplished!

We had a really fun visit with family on the east coast. 4 weeks away and still felt like we didn't get to see everyone and do everything, but we definitely did a lot! Got to the beach, Hershey Park, Philadelphia for dinner, an engine/tractor show, ate lots of icecream, and I even got away to the "spa"! Elliot loved the rides and the motorcycles were his favorite-not a big surprise....but I think he enjoyed sitting on Uncle Steve's motorcycle the best....or was it Pappy's digger....or the lawn tractor...? In any case he definitely got his fill of vehicles. He also became very interested in air conditioning compressors....go figure! Check out the tons of new pics and please keep in touch-and the Tucson Bed and Breakfast is now open again for guests....
we 3

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Early Summer Fun

Hi Ya'll

My ever so subtle brother brought it to my attention that it's been a while since I have updated the blog and pictures...."It's been like two months!" Well, low and behold it's been a little over 2 months so I guess it is time for an update. Thanks for the heads up Jerm.

We've just been pluggin' along here enjoying the day to day stuff-celebrated my third Mother's Day and Sean's third Father's Day-even though Elliot is only 2 years old...kinda cool. Elliot's been doing lots of "big boy" things-he can screw in a screw by himself, he can get in his carseat by himself, he takes lids on and off of things by himself, he puts his shoes on by himself, and much to our dismay and surprise he's been caught plugging things in by himself..."I do it" seems to be his favorite phrase these days. Ahhh independence. He's also starting to figure out the potty thing-although not so independent yet with that!

We're looking forward to our trip to the east-lots of visiting ahead. Enjoy the new pics til then.


we 3

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Spring has Sprung and Elliot is No longer one!

Hi Ya'll

Check out the new pics from our Spring Break trip to PA and Pat and Phil's visit to Tucson....

It was a fun time had by all....

We had a great birthday celebration with our little man.....2 years old!!! Wow-what an incredible journey it has been. Looking forward to what's to come but enjoying each day along the way.

Please keep in touch -

miss you and love ya

we 3