Sunday, December 27, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Hope this finds you all doing well after celebrating the 2009 holidays and looking forward to 2010!  I've posted new photos from the last month or so...we've been busy-We start the holiday season off with baking the annual fruitcake for PopPop.  We had breakfast at the Air and Space Museum and Santa joined us, after he flew in on a helicopter!  Simon had his first visit to Daddy's hanger, and we took our annual trip to Zoo Lights with Anita, David and Rory.  And we've also been busy with the typical holiday preparations of decorating the tree and the house, shopping, and baking.  We also spent Christmas Day with the McGuire's, which was also a lot of fun!  Enjoy the pictures and keep in touch!  
We are looking forward to our February visitors -Snavely's and Jerm and Mali and Nana and Pappy's visit in April!

love the Semonsky 4.