Sunday, June 15, 2008

Early Summer Fun

Hi Ya'll

My ever so subtle brother brought it to my attention that it's been a while since I have updated the blog and pictures...."It's been like two months!" Well, low and behold it's been a little over 2 months so I guess it is time for an update. Thanks for the heads up Jerm.

We've just been pluggin' along here enjoying the day to day stuff-celebrated my third Mother's Day and Sean's third Father's Day-even though Elliot is only 2 years old...kinda cool. Elliot's been doing lots of "big boy" things-he can screw in a screw by himself, he can get in his carseat by himself, he takes lids on and off of things by himself, he puts his shoes on by himself, and much to our dismay and surprise he's been caught plugging things in by himself..."I do it" seems to be his favorite phrase these days. Ahhh independence. He's also starting to figure out the potty thing-although not so independent yet with that!

We're looking forward to our trip to the east-lots of visiting ahead. Enjoy the new pics til then.


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