Sunday, February 24, 2008

Winter Fun in the Sun

Wow-I can't believe this is the last week of February already! 2008 is off to a fast start.

Not too much new news from us-just been enjoying the nice winter days-taking hikes, going to the zoo, lots of parks, festivals, and trying to get some things organized around the house. Elliot wants to do everything Daddy does. He is very much into tools and his workbench these days-and Sean just built himself a workbench in our shed. Elliot likes to ride his motorcycle-Sean has one too-the same color red. And of course they both enjoy jammin' out on their guitars. They are quite a pair!

Looking forward to spring-but not super hot days yet...although we are prepared with the pool this year!

We haven't had many visitors this year (hint, hint) but we are looking foward to Mom and Dad Zito's (Nana and Pappy) visit in March.

Please keep in touch-


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