Sunday, November 18, 2007

Jerm and Mali are MARRIED!

Well the day finally arrived....Jerm and Mali got married last Sunday (Nov. 11) Wooo hooo!

The rabbi lead a really nice and personal ceremony, as Jerm and Mali stool under the Chuppah that Mom Brodt made with the ties from Mali's late father. Of course Jerm wore a penguin tie (would you expect anything else?!) and Mali looked absolutely beautiful! We had a really fun time at the reception-lots of dancing and yummy food. I even got lifted up in "the chair" following Mali and her mother, Judith! -I seemed to be the least stubborn of the Brodt family in terms of "letting loose" at the party-Hey, somebody's got to represent the family, right?
Check out the wedding pictures on the link-Wish we could have gotten more pics of the wedding and of the bride and groom, but being in the wedding, trying to get pics taken and keeping tabs on Elliot proved to be a little challenging (in fact after the wedding, Elliot pushed the button to the elevator and when the doors opened, he hopped on!-Luckily Sean and I were close by!) If anyone has better or different pics from the wedding, please email them and we'll post them too.

It was great to see all of our family, and Pat and Phil also came up so Elliot got to visit with both of his sets of grandparents! We also got to meet the rest of Mali's family which was also a lot of fun! We wish we would have had a little more time there to visit and explore Boston-We did get to visit the aquarium with Rachie. Elliot loved watching the fish and the penguins, and the ride over to the aquarium on the "T" (train) and the bus was just as exciting for him as the aquarium!

Unfortunately Elliot got some sort of stomach virus on Wed. night (the day after we got home)-So that was not fun...and I got a touch of it yesterday-luckily just for the day. We're trying to keep Sean in good health!

We wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving and much love.

come visit!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Finally getting the pics up from Trick-Or-Treat/ Halloween! It was pretty quiet. We took Elliot over to Susan and Richard's house first. Elliot was really more interested in putting the rocks from their front yard into his bag than anything they had to offer inside....well until Susan offered him a banana (What else do monkeys get on Halloween?!) So, he went inside, ate a banana, and walked around their house. Then he found a little turtle lamp. He became fascinated with how it turned on and off. He had Susan turn it on and off a few times to figure out how it worked, then he practiced a few times until he finally turned it on and off by himself! He definitely has that mechanical-gotta know how it works-mind! (hmmm wonder where he gets that from?!)

He's been helping out with the cleaning a lot lately-he loves using the floor Swiffer-and I let him use it as much as he wants! Sometimes he even Swiffers in the nude- ;-) He has recently started saying an approximation of his name when he sees his name written on his cups! And he FINALLY says "down" now. Everything used to be up or out-even if it was really down.

Well, we're leaving in 2 days for BOSTON! We're looking forward to Jerm and Mali's wedding and visiting with family....I'm sure we'll have lots of pictures to share when we return!

It's still in the upper 80's here....anyone interested in visiting for the holidays?!

Open invitation-

love to all-B.