Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Father's Day!

Hi ya'll
I've got two weeks worth of stuff to fill you in on...Elliot started swimming lessons last week! It's actually a parent/child class so we are learning stuff too. Elliot seems to like it pretty well except for the being on his back part-which he really doesn't like! But he put his face in the water at Thursday's class and by Friday he was blowing bubbles in the water in our pool!! SO, this week's lessons are supposed to be a little more active-bobbing, going under and even jumping in! I got some shots of him trying out his new tricks in our pool.

I finished summer school on Friday-YIPPEEE! Now one more week until we head for the east coast ;-) Oh-and Happy Anniversary again to Mom and Dad (Brodt) and Lisa and Quino too! Both share a June 15 anniversary....Happy Belated Birthday to Uncle Phil too!!!!

Saturday we spent some time with our friends Anita and David and Rory (my godson ;-) Elliot and Rory are becoming more interactive, now that Rory is bigger and almost sitting up by himself, so it's pretty fun to watch them together.

You may recall Elliot had the tear duct probe procedure done in May (for a clogged tear duct)...Unfortunately it did not work, and his eye is just as goopy as ever. So, we have an appt. on this week with the opthomologist, and will probably schedule another procedure for August. You can see what happens some mornings when his eye is too goopy-we call it "Pirate Eye"....ARGH!

And today we celebrated Father's Day! Yes, Elliot's shirt says "My Dad Rocks"- (found it at Walgreen's...who would've thunkt??!) Sean was on-call for work so we couldn't stray too far-I made his favorite breakfast, then we went to the mall -Sean used some gift cards at the bookstore and then we went swimming this afternoon...and Sean got some guitar time in too-which made him happy. And tonight Elliot and I took Sean out for icecream -MMMMM!
It was a fun day had by all....

We'll see you all very soon!
And Happy Father's Day again to all the Dads out there ;-)
love ya!
Oh yeah-the pictures at the end of the new album are of the silkworms I kind of adopted over summer school-pretty fascinating creatures!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

The Little Man with the Big Hat

This week Elliot seems to have taken a liking to Sean's big hat-and requests it often. He has also learned to help with the raking and screens some of our phone calls for us ;-) So don't be surprised if he answers the phone-because he's definitely got "HI", "Yeah" and "Bye Bye" down-plus many other words! Such a fun time-especially for a Mommy speech therapist!

Love to all