Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Keeping Cool in the Pool

We got a pool!!! YEAH-It is so exciting. Sean took the inaugural plunge last night, and then we all tried it out this afternoon...And we all fit with room to spare. It is such a nice way to cool off after a long, hot day. Elliot really enjoyed it too. So, maybe now we'll get some summer visitors?...We are definitely looking forward to our visit to the east coast in just a few weeks! Keep in touch.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

New Link Posted

I am feeling pretty proud of myself right now-I just figured out a way for people to access some of our photos by clicking the Semonsky Family Pictures link from this blog-in the lower right square-I know I am not as sophisticated as Stephen, Lee or Uncle Gary when it comes to technology, but this is a personal accomplishment! So, check it out-I've included photos from Elliot's birthday through today. SO, as always more to come soon....

Monday, May 21, 2007

Keeping Busy

Well, this seems to be a busy time for all of us right now-the end of school for me (which means LOTS of paperwork), Sean has been tuning up our cars...and Elliot well, he's taken the job of check writing off my load and he's assumed the role of lead waterer! Although we're not sure if he's really watering the plants or himself...maybe that's why he seems to grow so fast!! So, at least it's now clear who is doing what around here! Enjoy your week-

much love from AZ

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Happy Mother's Day!

Thanks to my two favorite guys, I had a fun and even somewhat relaxing Mother's Day. We had an early breakfast out, some shopping, and Sean and Elliot got simultaneous haircuts! However, Elliot seemed to get the better deal because he got to sit in a cool Jeep while he got his haircut!! Hope everyone had a nice weekend too-Best Wishes and lots of Love XOXO

Sunday, May 6, 2007

Taking Charge of the Yard

Hi There

We had a fun afternoon at the Folk Festival yesterday and Elliot got to run around on GRASS!! But these days, his biggest interest is the Hose! In fact, he can't walk by the hose in the front yard or back yard without picking it up and pulling the trigger. So, Sean has an 'assistant' waterer. Have a great week and keep in touch!


Friday, May 4, 2007

Family hugs go out to all...

We Three Semonsky's

Hi There-
I am new to this whole blogging thing, but I think it will be a great way to keep everyone informed of the weekly adventures of the AZ Semonsky family. So, we'll give it a try....
Elliot had his tear duct procedure done on Tuesday and all went well. We are hoping it is the end of goopy eyes...He was so brave and bounced back very quickly. Not too much else new this week-Just very windy here so we are all experiencing some allergy symptoms-but we're not going to let it stop us from hearing some live music at the Folk Festival this weekend!
Peace to All and Safe travels to Stephen and Sathana!!